Grab it before it gets the label of "Classic"

Fiction- The Signature of All Things 
Author- Elizabeth Gilbert

This book is an exemplary work.
The characters are well-crafted. I was stuck in White Acre.

I loved the days I read the book.
I would to like to store the memories of being with the characters Alma, Ambrose, Beatrix. Henry Whittaker, Prudence, Retta  and a few in Tahiti.

The book took me to Philadelphia, Tahiti, Amsterdam.

It took me close to botany and drove me to the chest of Nature's wonders.

What get to know history of 19th century, get acquainted with quite a great number of humans who would get close to you at the beginning, middle and the end.

I believe it will be a CLASSIC in the coming years.

(Review I had put up on Flipkart)


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